Do you feel as though you are intentionally walking into 2021 with clarity or being pushed into it pulling 2020 with you?
Take time to pause, reset and connect.
Let's take time together to clarify and align your values with your 2021 intentions so that you can step mindfully into the New Year.
January 17th, 1:30pm - 5:00pm - Central Standard Time
Virtual device: computer or phone
What’s needed: comfortable clothes, a yoga mat or comfortable floor, journal/paper & pen, water
Led by seasoned guides Kim Zoller & Rachel Tenenbaum
In this retreat, we will explore Critical Topics, including:
Setting mindful intentions and what that means to our daily lives
Clarifying your values
Aligning values with specific goals going into 2021
Tactical mindfulness tools to utilize daily and reset throughout the year
Different forms of mindfulness and meditation
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Kim & Rachel