Houston Strong

Houston Strong.jpg

For the last couple of weeks, I've been struggling with an underlying sense of guilt. Guilt that I was not hit worse by Harvey or guilt that I was not doing "more" to help. I did what I could when I could, but somehow guilt was the unwanted friend, sitting on my shoulder. 

I knew and even believed, cognitively, a greater truth: had we all been crippled, it would be near impossible to mobilize and create structures to rebuild selves and homes. The fortune of some supports those in need.

Yesterday, I found myself frustrated once again for not doing more. I felt blinded and stuck by my powerlessness. But I also knew that was just one perspective.  At that moment, I forgave myself for my fortune. I moved out of guilt and in that moment, a whole new realization occurred. What was missing was a meaningful way (to me) in which I could take action: coaching. 

If we harness what we connect to, we can make Houston strong, again. For those who love to feed and nourish, that's baking dozens of cookies or bagging lunches; for cleaners, it clearing, sorting and organizing; for connectors, it facilitating unforeseen, powerful partnerships (helicopter, supplies = drops).

When we sit in feelings that don't support us, less is possible. For me, when I connected to what I felt, acknowledged it, then acknowledged what was real, I was able to truly move beyond: the vision which came through was compelling and beautiful. 

I am offering complimentary sessions to those in need for the coming weeks. If you have been impacted by Harvey, or know of someone in need of support, please contact me. I am reachable at 832-974-0417. Let me support you (whether your home, and/or your heart took a beating).  The more support we accept, the stronger we stand, together. 

With so much love,