“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow”
Today's struggle not only develops tomorrow's strength but also engenders tomorrow's success.
If we allow it.
Whenever a struggle arises, whenever "failure" presents itself, there is a choice.
We can self-flagellate and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can choose to celebrate those moments, learning from them and pivoting in ways that catapult our work and lives to the next level.
From Steve Jobs to Elon Musk, these individuals have harnessed innumerable failures, each ultimately informing their future successes.
So when you look at your life and what YOU want, where do you struggle?
Rather than retreat from those moments, can you celebrate them?
Because when you do, you are building strength and power.
But how? How do we shift into celebration and a growth mindset?
It requires curiosity and compassion: compassion for ourselves when our habituated ways creep in, to self-condemning ways creep in, muddying our ability to see clearly.
Compassion so that we can engage with curiosity and discernment. Only with interest and insight can we avail ourselves of the moment's gifts and exercise that inherent power. Because each time you do, you are building, growing, and creating your future success.
One of the greatest ways to harness that compassion and curiosity is through cultivating new levels of conscious awareness, conscious leadership, and the unparalleled tools of Mindfulness.
Want to learn more? Let’s connect.
With love,
Rachel Tenenbaum
I AM (Intentional Abundant Mindful) Living.